There continue to be lots of debates about the direction of scouting. Some important ideas to keep in mind. It was not until 2003 that scouting required background checks on volunteers. It was not until 2008 that this was required of pre-2003 volunteers. Two-deep leadership requirements evidently in some troops mean they always bring 3 adult leaders on camp outs. I think a bigger threat to scouting is the culture of fear we live in. Some people think it is beyond the pale that my daughter lets my grandson walk out the door, down the hall, go down the elevator, and come out the front door of the apartment to me when I am waiting in the car. He is 5, almost six. When I was his age I walked home from the bus stop a quarter mile to my house all by myself. As crime rates have declined over the last 30 years the level at which parents micro-manage their children has increased. This means that letting scouts hike off on their own is frowned upon, meaning more close supervision, and makin...